Training CRR Professionals,
Developing Careers

Welcome to CRR Academy, Vision 20/20's virtual learning management system designed with our priorities to Educate, Equip & Engage fire service professionals across the nation.
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Your Partner in 
Community Risk Reduction

Vision 20/20 provides a variety of tools, training departments, State Fire Marshal's Offices and Statewide Community Risk Reduction Coalitions across the United States.

CRR Academy can help you and your organization!

Learn At Your Own Pace

We know you are busy and some days you just need a little push to keep going! We are here to encourage you and get you over the finish line. On CRR Academy we developed these innovative trainings within a self paced environment that are available 24/7.

Develop Valuable Skills

Learn the skills that are crucial to your career. Community Risk Reduction is a strategic approach to reducing risk and entails closely following a detailed process. Our goal is to enhance your skills to make you an invaluable member of your organization.

Train Your Organization

CRR Academy is built with the entire organization in mind, providing a broad overview of high level topics to a more focused approach to critical topics that lead to your success. Our collection of CRR Shorts help you gain an understanding of latest in an innovative learning environment.

Learn From Experts In The Field

Our training material is researched based and developed by subject matter experts with years of experience in building and delivering the best programs in the nation.

Explore Our Courses

Gain access to our world-class education and learn from the best in the business. A wide variety of topics and lessons. These courses provide learning opportunities from a 1 hour CRR Short course to full day educational experiences. We’re here to help you achieve your goals. 

About Our Services

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Online Learning

Learn from the best with our award-winning online courses here on CRR Academy, some courses are also available for in-person delivery, contact us if you wish to know more about securing a in-person delivery for your organization. Our courses are always free for students!

Strategy Development & Consulting

There are times when you just need solid advice when your facing some unknowns. From Strategy Development, Assistance with Community Risk Assessments and CRR Plans our team is here to assist in moving you past roadblocks and on a road to success.  

Model Performance Excellence

We are passionate about measurement and want to instill that in you! When we measure our efforts we gain a deep understanding on what is working and what is wasting our time. Building model performance into everything your organization does changes the way you approach and solve problems.

See What People Have To Say!

This benefits our entire organization!
This is for me a very valuable experience and
I would recommend this training. The training will benefit our whole department.

Shane W.

The support we need!
I've learned that we have a team of people across the country willing to help. 

John L.

Very Professional!
It was It gives a well rounded perspective and understanding of the need and purpose for CRR.
I am very pleased with the level of training I received.

Jena K.